ELTE  ELTE Institute of Chemistry

Title: Physical Chemistry
for students of Material Science MSc
Code: kfkn1a05, ak1d1020, ktanfizkemk17ea / E1
Major: Material Science MSc
Recommended semester: 1st year, 1st semester
Weekly load: 2 hours lecture

Tamás TURÁNYI Professor of Chemistry
e-mail: turanyi@chem.elte.hu
Chemistry Building, office 146, phone: 372-2500 x1109

Marking: oral exam
Level: compulsory


Exam dates:

17 December (Tuesday), 9:00, room Chemistry 065
20 December (Friday),    9:00, room Chemistry 065
  6 January (Monday), 13:00, room Chemistry 065
16 January (Thursday), 9:00, room Chemistry 063
23 January (Thursday), 9:00, room Chemistry 063
30 January (Thursday), 9:00, room Chemistry 063 (retake only)

Lectures of Prof. Tamás Turányi:

Overhead slides:

1. Ideal gas and real gases
2. First Law of thermodynamics
3. 2nd and 3rd Laws of thermodynamics
4. Phase transitions
5. Mixtures
6. Chemical equilibrium
Surface phenomena
8. Transport
9. Reaction kinetics

Exam topics

Please write your comments to Tamás Turányi